I don't know why it took me so long to notice this over at ABC.com, but they've got an official
Sawyer Nickname Generator up that's a quick, silly timewaster; they only ask for input based on six criteria and it spits out multiple nicknames for the same input. In addition to the "Bubblehead" screen cap below, I also got "Cotton" and "Chewie," none of which I think the writers would have come up with if I happened to be a character on the show. Heck, I had more creative "nicknames" in high school! I think we need Version 2.0 here, along with an instant graphic you can post on your blog. =)
Anyhoo, try it out and let me know what you get.
~:{ I'm not sure if I get it!! I was 'Little Bo Peep'...
That's exactly what my labmate, Fumiko, got too! She was also greatly disappointed! :P
LOL!! I got "Skeletor". Doesn't make much sense, but it was fun anyway :)
"Half-pint"- meh. I've given my kids much better nicknames. And I prefer my own of "the acid tongue". :) Sawyer would have you pegged as "Pied-piper" at some point Jay. :)
Mine was Playdouh.
...watching tonights episode...and OMG!! Dr. Jay WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!! I'm scared for Desmond...
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