Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Action-Packed Review...

...coming soon. Got to get something quickly started in lab first. Last night was a fun episode, eh? :)


RC Turnboat said...

How soon is soon? When should I check back?


Unknown said...

Within an hour - won't take very long. :)

Missie said...

When I watched the end of last week's episode last night, I had a thought. Juliet is still my first choice for Jack's ex-wife, but I was thinking that if the writers really wanted to eff with us, it will be Penny.

Unknown said...

Always a possibility, but I'm thinking Penny perhaps doesn't exist in the Alt because the Island is destroyed. Depends on whether Charles and Eloise were born on the Island or not. Of course, no Charles and Eloise means no Daniel too. :P

Unknown said...

Oh, and the review is up! :)

Missie said...

But we don't know when the Island was destroyed. We did see a shark with a Dharma logo swim by. Wouldn't that mean that the Dharma Initiative had to be around at some point?

Unknown said...

Oh yes, but that does give a very wide margin - the DI came to the Island in the 60's (or maybe very early 70's) and the Purge didn't happen until at least the late 80's early 90's. We know Daniel wasn't born until 1977 or 1978 and Penny wasn't born until a bit later than that - plenty of time for Charles or Eloise to have been killed.

I could be totally wrong on this. The only reason I think this is because it gives Desmond great motivation to change things back.

Of course, one piece of evidence that we both could be wrong is that Desmond is wearing a wedding ring in the Alt timeline.