Wednesday, August 4, 2010

To DVD Or Not To DVD, That Is The Question...

We interrupt our regularly scheduled Lost Moments list to bring you this important announcement:

The Season 6 DVD comes out on August 24th, however there is a Lost: The Complete Collection set being released on the same day. This brings up a question. I wouldn't necessarily be against getting the Complete Collection and selling my remaining DVDs on eBay if the CC contained a lot of additional footage worthy of the additional expense of both time and money. I certainly don't need the following:

• Special edition collectible Senet game as seen in Season 6
• Custom LOST island replica
• Exclusive episode guide
• Collectible ankh
• Black light

However the two things that interest me are the "One full disc of never-before-seen content" and "30+ hours of bonus from Seasons 1-6." I think I'm going to wait for reviews to see if the additional footage is worth it. The one thing that does interest me (that's available on the Season 6 set) is this:
The season 6 DVD, out Aug. 24, offers an original, 12-minute vignette called ”The New Man in Charge,” a tantalizing look at what Hurley (Jorge Garcia) and Ben (Michael Emerson, left) do as the new Island overseers. ”Ben is going around to Dharma installations and closing some down,” Emerson says. ”There are some good surprises.” And yes, ”it does answer questions.”
Now that I want to see. Check out this image:

Very cool. Really looking forward to seeing it. Bit more info here too. Now back to our regularly scheduled Lost Moments list (which should be up in a few more days).

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